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Unblob consists of two main parts:

  • unblob, the Python package.
  • extractor command line tools like 7zip, unar, etc. (See Extractors for explanation.)

All of these need to be installed to make unblob fully functional.
Depending the packaging solution you choose, you might need to install external extractors manually.

Python package

unblob can be installed (without the extractors) from PyPI (Python Package Index).
This might be the easiest method, depending on whether you have Python 3 installed already.

  1. First, install the Python package:

    python3 -m pip install --user unblob

    This will install the unblob script in ~/.local/bin. You can put that directory in your PATH environment variable, or call it directly.


    System-wide installation (with sudo) is not recommended, because it can potentially break your system.

  2. Make sure to install extractors.

  3. Check that everything works correctly:

    unblob --show-external-dependencies

Kali Linux

If you're on Kali Linux, unblob is available through the distribution repository. You can install it with:

apt install unblob

Docker image

unblob can be used right away from a docker image:, which contains everything needed to run unblob, even the extractors.

The --pull always option is recommended, because the project is currently under heavy development, so we expect frequent changes.

The extracted files will be in the /data/output folder inside the container. Mount your host directory where you want to see the extracted files there:

docker run \
  --rm \
  --pull always \
  -v /path/to/extract-dir/on/host:/data/output \
  -v /path/to/files/on/host:/data/input \ /data/input/path/to/file

Help on usage:

docker run --rm --pull always --help

⚠️ When you bind mount directories from the host in the container using the -v option, you must make sure that they are owned by the same uid:gid pair otherwise you'll get into permission issues.

If you're on a multi-user Linux host (i.e. your $UID is > 1000), it's recommended you launch the container this way to map the container user's UID to yours:

docker run \
  --rm \
  --pull always \
  -u $UID:$GID
  -v /path/to/extract-dir/on/host:/data/output \
  -v /path/to/files/on/host:/data/input \ /data/input/path/to/file

nix package

unblob can be built and run using the Nix package manager. The Nix derivation installs all 3rd party dependencies.

  1. Install and configure Nix.

  2. Optional: enable the experimental features so that you don't need to pass
    --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" to nix command invocations:

      mkdir -p ~/.config/nix
      cat > ~/.config/nix/nix.conf <<EOF
      experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  3. Install unblob:

    $ nix profile install github:onekey-sec/unblob
    do you want to allow configuration setting 'extra-substituters' to be set to '' (y/N)? y
    do you want to permanently mark this value as trusted (y/N)? y
    do you want to allow configuration setting 'extra-trusted-public-keys' to be set to
    '' (y/N)? y
    do you want to permanently mark this value as trusted (y/N)? y

    Using and trusting substituter (binary cache) and its public key is optional but greatly speeds up installation.

  4. Check that everything works correctly:

    unblob --show-external-dependencies

From source

  1. Install Git if you don't have it yet.
  2. Install the Poetry Python package manager.
  3. Clone the unblob repository from GitHub:

    git clone
  4. Install Python dependencies with Poetry:

    1. Python packages:

      cd unblob
      poetry install --no-dev
    2. Make sure you installed all extractors.

    3. Check that everything works correctly:

      poetry run unblob --show-external-dependencies

Install extractors

There is a handy script included in the repository and PyPI packages that can be used to install the following dependencies.

  1. With your operating system package manager:
    On Ubuntu 22.04, install extractors with APT:

    sudo apt install android-sdk-libsparse-utils e2fsprogs p7zip-full unar zlib1g-dev liblzo2-dev lzop lziprecover libhyperscan-dev zstd lz4
  2. If you need squashfs support, install sasquatch:

    curl -L -o sasquatch_1.0.deb "$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb"
    sudo dpkg -i sasquatch_1.0.deb
    rm sasquatch_1.0.deb
  3. We maintain a fork of e2fsprogs based on Debian upstream, with some security fixes. You can install it this way:

    curl -L -o e2fsprogs_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb "$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb"
    curl -L -o libext2fs2_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb "$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb"
    curl -L -o libss2_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb "$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb"
    sudo dpkg -i libext2fs2_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb libss2_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb
    sudo dpkg -i e2fsprogs_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb
    rm -f libext2fs2_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb libss2_1.47.0-3.ok2.deb

In case you already had e2fsprogs installed, you might need to upgrade some more packages from e2fsprogs. You can get the names of the installed e2fsprogs binary packages this way:

    sudo dpkg-query -W -f '${db:Status-Abbrev}\t${source:Package}\t${Package}\n' | grep '^i...e2fsprogs' | cut -f3